来源: 直播吧
2024-08-21 10:08
21st August - Sun Yang, after a hiatus of 4 and a half years, has made a comeback and has quickly become a hot topic in the past two days. As of now, the ticketing website shows that all tickets for the morning heats and evening finals on 25th August have been sold out.
On 20th August, Sun Yang's studio confirmed to reporters that he will make a comeback and participate in the 2024 National Summer Swimming Championships held in Hefei, Anhui in August this year. The exact events he will compete in will be announced later by the official.
This participation in the National Summer Swimming Championships marks Sun Yang's first appearance after the end of his suspension. When his suspension ended on 28th May this year, Sun Yang's studio had stated that he was already in a training state.
According to public information, the 2024 National Summer Swimming Championships will be held from 25th to 28th August at the Hefei Sports Center Swimming Pool. There will be 24 representative teams from Beijing, Jiangsu, Anhui, and other provinces participating in the event. This tournament is a national level B-class swimming event and is one of the highest level and most prestigious swimming events in the country.
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