来源: 直播吧
2024-09-05 22:09
華納兄弟終於露出了他們的真面目,他們要開始焦急地開發《霍格沃茨之遺》的續作了。我不禁感嘆,他們算是看到自己的肥肉了。他們還不滿足已經賣出超過2400萬份的《霍格沃茨之遺》,還要繼續擠取粉絲們的錢財。而且還有首席財務官的神秘暗示,續作可能會加入令人討厭的多人在線玩法。這就像是用滿滿的魔法世界粉絲情感來填補金庫的空洞。我只能說,華納兄弟你們真的太心機了。而且他們還透露,他們將會推出一系列其他尚未公布的作品,真是繼續剝削粉絲們的無底線啊。真是既可悲又可笑啊。華納兄弟,你們的目標是什麼呢?是愚弄粉絲,還是從他們那裏賺更多的錢?總之,《霍格沃茨之遺》的續作已經到了不可避免的時刻,這個宇宙中再次展開了華納兄弟的貪婪計劃。不過,也許粉絲們不會在意,畢竟他們一直都希望能夠深入這個世界、故事和人物中。毫無疑問,華納兄弟的計劃將會得到他們的支持和? Dungeons & Dragons never done that here.The children, in particular, looked like they were having a blast. They wanted to throw lightning bolts, wield wands, shout spells and look as cool as their heroes on roller coasters and video games. They wanted to be wizards.
At Universal Orlando Resort and Universal Studios Hollywood, they had found their promised land: a asish.
And next summer, Universal Parks and Resorts' Diagon Alley area will expand again.
Universal released plans Thursday for a ride named Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts, a "multi-dimensional" attraction at the heart of the Diagon Alley expansion. When the ride opens, guests will experience a journey through Gringotts vaults as they encounter some of the bizarre creatures featured in the wildly popular books and movies.
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